Programs for small groups

Carefully examining a spotted salamander egg mass during a vernal pool exploration program.


private programs

I offer private programs that are suitable for small groups or organizations, such as homeschool programs, libraries, and Scout programs. Some are best for ages 3-13; some are best for adults. Examples include:

  • Ponding (fishing with nets)

  • Winter Wildlife Tracking

  • Mushroom ID

  • Land Art

Programs are generally 1 or 1.5 hours long. A 1-hr program is $80 and a 1.5-hr program is $120. I add the IRS mileage fee for distances greater than 15 miles from my location, and will travel as far as 45 minutes one-way for programs. I can meet you at a location convenient to you, or recommend natural spaces that offer the experiences you are looking for. No matter the age, I recommend groups of 10-15 people; larger groups are possible depending on the setting. Groups are welcome to split program fees amongst themselves to pay for a program.

Click here for full program information.

I have been certified in teaching to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and strive to incorporate the NGSS three dimensions of learning in all my programs. Practically, this means that any program of mine is based on hands-on experiences that ensure students observe, connect with and analyze natural phenomena.

Please contact me to learn more!

Geology and Ecology homeschool program at Pulpit Rock in Bedford, NH.

Feeling good on a spring birding trip.

Tidepool program for Summer Reading Theme “Oceans of Possibilities”, summer 2021.

Homeschool program focused on wildlife viewing, spring 2020.